financial crisis

[faɪˈnænʃl ˈkraɪsɪs]
  • 释义
  • 金融[财政]危机;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    a financial crisis of mammoth proportions


  • 2、

    The sudden arrival of the financial crisis, so that the process of market disruption.

    而突然到来的金融危机, 令其上市进程受阻.

  • 3、

    Thus, Plan A risks a disorderly default and financial crisis.

    因此, A计划有可能导致混乱的违约和金融危机.

  • 4、

    But have we addressed what actually happened in the financial crisis?

    但是金融危机中出现的危机真的解决了 吗 ?

  • 5、

    Suffer financial crisis effect, a lot of export companies change mining to home market.

    受金融危机影响, 许多出口企业转向挖掘国内市场.

  • 6、

    UNTIL the financial crisis hit, America's mounting imbalances drew scant attention from presidents.

    直到金融危机爆发前, 历任美国总统对不断积累的贸易失衡可说是漠不关心.

  • 7、

    All the government's policies worked together to help us overcome the financial crisis.


  • 8、

    And they say the financial crisis has only highlighted the structural weaknesses of global institutions.


  • 9、

    However, financial crisis already serious influence US venture capital rate of return.

    不过, 金融危机已经严重影响了美国风险投资的回报率.

  • 10、

    This financial crisis had a much greater impact on Main Street.


  • 11、

    Below financial crisis, internet economy wails, and the net swims the property is unusually hot however!

    金融危机下, 互联网经济哀号一片, 而网游产业却异常火爆!

  • 12、

    This financial crisis is a disaster, but the new financial pattern will certainly produce.

    这场金融危机是一场灾难, 但是新的金融模式一定会从中产生.

  • 13、

    The economy has been transformed into outgoing Chinese economy, the global financial crisis are not immune.

    已经转化为外向经济的中国经济, 在全球性金融危机中也不能幸免.

  • 14、

    In trying to pick a way through today's financial crisis, there are plenty to pore over.


  • 15、

    The first financial crisis broke out in Argentine and the Thailand underwent the worst suffering.


  • 16、

    Shenhua, just like global economic's decline the same, also presented the financial crisis.

    申花, 正如全球经济的衰退一样, 也出现了财务危机.

  • 17、

    We must pull our company out of the financial crisis as soon as possible.


  • 18、

    WSJ: You've said this is the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.

    华尔街日报: 你说这将会是大萧条以来最严重的金融危机.

  • 19、

    He said the home mortgage crisis , the financial crisis and the broader economic crisis are interconnected.


  • 20、

    The financial crisis saw unity forged in adversity.


  • 21、

    Technology is to overcome the financial crisis, the fundamental forces.


  • 22、

    Fears of international financial crisis have forced the world's major central banks to join together.


  • 23、

    The financial crisis has also made government jobs an unexpected favourite among graduates.


  • 24、

    Chinese president arrives in Washington for summit on financial crisis.


  • 25、

    Glos had struggled to influence Germany's response to the financial crisis or its economic policies.

